::rolled rosette tutorial::

I think I’ve been promising this for a very long time…and ta-da!  FINALLY, here it is!  A little video tutorial on how I make those rolled rosettes.  I even spill the beans on one of the other flowers I make too…

One of the sweet neighbors came over several weeks ago while I was making some and wanted to know how I did it.  I showed her and handed over some supplies.  In no time, she had made several and put them together in this fab necklace.  She’s 12.  If she can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!

Here it is!  Have you made these before?  Do you have a fun idea on how to use these rosettes?  Please share!



{tgif} thank goodness it’s friday

I’ve had a rather busy week.  Just stuff.  Random stuff.  And since my hubby works for the park service, weekends around here are a little different than for most.  We aren’t “Saturday / Sunday” weekend folks.  Our weekends fall usually on other days but this weekend is the Indy 500 (for those of you who don’t know what that is…it’s a car race.  In Indianapolis. Sense my excitement.)  And to my husband, it’s a holiday bigger than Christmas.  He cooks and makes it a big party.  So, I’m rather looking forward to our upcoming holiday weekend where we get to be like normal people with real weekends and be all together for the day.

I have giveaway winners to announce!  The Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway response was amazing!  I loved it for so many different reasons.

1) I met a bunch of people from my own backyard, Ohio, that I hadn’t met before.  I’m thinking we need to plan a crafters meet up at some point!

2) I can’t even count how many people from outside the US entered this giveaway.  Spain, Singapore, Germany, UK, Ireland, France, a lot a lot of Aussies, Turkey, Ukraine…wow!  I really enjoyed going see new blogs for those folks and seeing what they are crafting up.  Amazing how much alike we are and how interesting our differences are…

3) There are so many amazing sewers and paper crafters and knitters out there!

4) The thing I most enjoyed about this is everyone introducing themselves.  I think I may ask for that on every post because it really helps me to connect with each of you and get to know you!  It was so fun to hear what things you are crafting, about your kids, where you are from.  I get tired of talking about myself all the time!  And I love hearing about YOU!  There were a lot of folks who said they had been following my blog for awhile now and I don’t think I had ever seen their name so I was so thrilled to finally meet them.  PLEASE oh please, say hi more often!  I really sincerely mean that!  I’m thrilled to meet you!

So here they are, the giveaway winners from the last two giveaways:  from the talented Ms. Jan DiCintio – the Daisy Janie fat quarter giveaway – winner was #35:

GRACE – Congrats!  E-mail me so I can get your info over to Jan and you can get busy crafting with her gorgeous Shades of Grey fabrics.

Next, Sew, Mama, Sew – 2 prize packages to be had!  First up…the Hoot-n-Nanny Tote bag with the pattern for this bag.  Winner is….#9, Connie!

Second prize package was the pretty little clutch and a surprise bundle of 4 Two Peas sewing patterns…winner is #608, Karen!Such a pleasure to meet you all and I thank you very much for your many kind words and support.  Winners, email me so we can get you all squared away!

Stop back later – that video I promised with the rosettes…trying to figure out a way to get it uploaded for you today!  That’s the one drawback to living rural – not great connectivity.

I also wanted to give thanks to our men and women in service – this weekend begins the summer for us here in the States and we kick off with Memorial Day, remembering all those who have made sacrifices for us to keep us free and safe.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  To the wives who pull double duty while your husbands are deployed.  To the Moms and Dads who raised amazing kids who make this sacrifice.  My prayers are with you not only this weekend but always.

Last year I posted this tutorial for a t-shirt refashion using a military print shirt…thought it was worth mentioning again in case you missed it.  It’s a fun one and great for this weekend!  Happy Memorial Day!  Let Summer begin!

